Vision and Purpose

Our Perspective...

Vision: At Parkside Community Church, we are transformed by Faith, Hope, and Love, the virtues that make a difference in our lives today and for Eternity.  We are transformed from sin, brokenness, and isolation into Grace, Wholeness, and Community.

Mission: By the Grace of God and the power of prayer, we strive to make a difference …

With our Faith: We trust the Word of God and God’s promises, so we are willing to live Christian lives, we are willing to risk ourselves in service, and we are willing to give of our time, energy and life for the Kingdom of God.  This is the essence of Community.

With our Hope: We believe in Salvation through Jesus Christ, the Resurrection of the body, and Eternal life, this is the essence of Wholeness, so we share our faith, in word and deed, with each other, our community and the world.

With our Love: We love because God loved us first in Jesus Christ. This is the essence of Grace. We live out God’s grace when we worship with everything we can offer, serve as Jesus served us, teach as Jesus taught us, and welcome as Jesus welcomed us.